

This website contains information to prepare you and your household for an emergency. Because your situation is different from that of your neighbors, colleagues, or relatives, your level of preparation will differ, based upon the level of risk that you wish to assume. However, like many of your acquaintences,  having no level of 10000302preparation is simply irresponsible.  Because you are visiting this website, you are showing responsibility!  The question now is the level to which you want to be prepared. I can help you on this journey. 

Please visit the Pages, which cover some basics of emergency preparation: 

The page entitled “Emergency Preparedness” links to other pages in three focus areas:  “Household Prepareimages[1]dness”;  “Disaster Mitigation” (disaster risk reduction); and,  “Animals and Disasters”. The section with animals focuses on both pets and large agricultural animals.

The page entitled “Levels of Emergency Preparedness” describes different levels of EP:  Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5.  You can determine the ‘level’ at which you are most comfortable. I encourage you to start slowly, steadily build up confidence, and gain preparedness on your own. You can do it! 

The page entitled “A Moment in Emergency Preparedness”  contains 30+ short (one-minute) tips in all aspects of emergency preparedness.  

The Blog contains my thoughts on recent events related to domestic and international disasters, as well as current trends in 13673662401b5c3-220x146[1]emergency management.

As a consultant,  I am available to assist you in your emergency readiness process, or at least to get you started. Thank you for commenting and linking to this site. However, please do not take site content without permission.

Thanks again for visiting.


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