A post-COVID Esperanza

In some ways, Espy has changed considerably. In other ways it remains the same. The biggest change is that, along with the director, two families living there now, one newlywed and one with five children. The biggest change has been opening up the campus after COVID 19. This meant children’s camps again after two years. The young families are in charge, and lot of preparation needed.  

The four weeks of camp went well.  And other staffers came on-stream to help. Logistics always a challenge at Esperanza, with transport here either by boat or floatplane. Almost all staff, campers, and visitors by boat…which is 30 min each way pickup/drop off either to the village docks at Zeballos or Tahsis. We spend a lot of effort and time on our three “tinnies” as the aluminum boats are called.  My only comment is that considerable effort and huge money is spent on four weeks of camp and considerably less effort spent on the other 48 weeks of Esperanza. Maybe a balance can be struck in future years.

Many of my maintenance roles are routine. Keeping the shop, metal and wood, relatively organized. Troubleshooting appliances in all buildings. Lawn mowing and landscaping. Other regular roles include checking fuel for boats, fuel in generator room, water tank levels, fuel in boiler unit tanks.

Other monthly tasks include putting boats on Ways (dry-dock) and scraping/cleaning barnacles, and checking the outboard engines. Changing oil in various engines as needed, including diesel generators. In a sentence, my tasks never end. Days are full…and glorious in this postcard setting.

One dynamic is that the director and his wife have one foot out the door, seemingly burned out and rightly so after several years. Therefore minimal guidance to the couples. But I haven’t been privy to everything — only carrying on with my role as general maintenance for the 2022 season.

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