Hurricane Season – Part 2

Sometimes we humans aren’t too smart. We don’t use our God-given intelligence.  In the 21st century, with satellite technology and weather sensors, we see a hurricane forming, building, and strengthening, and can easily track direction and progress. As the hurricane grows nearer, we are forewarned to leave an area. Sometimes we are ordered to evacuate. It’s mandatory. Often local, state, or federal governments assist with transport and even help financially. So why do so many ignore the storm warning, even when a mandatory evacuation, and stay behind? Having responded to several large disasters over the years, here are a few of the reasons I have heard:

a)      “I want to protect my property from looting. I don’t trust the authorities to do so.”

b)      “I will not leave my animals behind.” This is huge, and in which I work professionally with farmers and ranchers in BC usually related to wildfires.  It also includes pets.

c)       I am willing ride it out. “I have heard the government ‘cry wolf’ too many times. When I did leave, nothing happened. So this time, I am not leaving.”

d)      Riding out this storm will be a story I can tell others. I have actually met people who enter a disaster zone to experience it.

e)      “I have prepared myself and my property and will be safe.”

The difficulty is that if any of the above go awry, the media will focus on those trapped individuals, without any explanation of the reason why they did not evacuate. We have all seen this on the evening news.  The government is obligated to attempt a rescue. This is done by First Responders, who in turn put their lives in danger. I find it outrageous and inexcusable.  The  person should have to pay restitution, but how do we set a price on someone’s life being put at risk?  All this, for a person who, as I mentioned, sees a disaster looming but who is unwilling to get out of the way. Someone who isn’t too intelligent.  Maybe the gene pool does need a bit of chlorine.

Thanks for reading.


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