A Candid Review of 2020

It’s a new year, and good riddance to the last.  What a year was 2020! It started about this time last year with the emergence of a ‘novel coronavirus’ which was dismissed by even medical guru Anthony Fauci. Then the buffooning of President Trump’s order to suspend air travel from China, later proven wise. Nancy Pelosi stood at San Francisco’s Chinatown and welcomed all. Dr. Fauci declared the use of facemasks was not necessary.  As February and March emerged, their tunes changed. Yes on the masks, and ‘social distancing’ became the new buzzword. “Isolation” for three weeks became quarantine for three months, then six, nine, and the beat goes on. So many mixed signals — both within the medical community and politicians.    All of this I observed from the Canadian side of the border.

The WHO finally gave it a politically correct moniker, COVID-19. Regardless, the virus originated in China, specifically in Wuhan at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. (I looked thoroughly at published papers on their website, before it was scrubbed.) Manipulation of bat proteins while studying the 2004 SARS virus became surprisingly very infectious and highly communicable to and between humans. Patient One was a researcher (likely a grad student) in the Wuhan lab and the spread worldwide from China happened at lightning speed. The spread was accidental, not intentional.  As mentioned in an earlier blog, I am confident that I contracted SARS-COV2 (the official name) when standing in a customs line at Vancouver Airport in March after a visit to the US.  Fortunately, within a week the pain in my chest stopped, though I continue to have uncharacteristic fatigue.

Meanwhile, the WuFlu directly impacted the upcoming November US elections. Before the election, select states, especially in so-called ‘battleground states’ there were changes, including at least one of the following:   Voter photo ID and signature requirements were waived.   Mail-in voting was encouraged. Drop boxes were used for convenience. Early voting became very liberal. Voting was extended beyond Tuesday for two additional days.  There were other changes. Almost all done by state-level Attorney General or Secretary of State, rather than state legislatures, as the Constitution states.

During the evening of Nov 3 election, ‘observers’ were not allowed within 10 feet of the counters, and could not see the results. Complainers were escorted out. In five of six ‘battleground states’, vote counting suddenly stopped for the night…but after observers left, the count continued and miraculously, the Democratic candidate had an unsurmountable lead the next morning. Ballots were photocopied and recounted. Some batches were counted again and again. There were other Election Day ‘irregularities’.

I honestly consider myself neither a Dem or a Rep, but a Libertarian. I won’t belabor the above issues, but think objectively that enough collective irregularities emerged during the election to warrant further investigation. Why would statisticians who compare 2020 to earlier elections see major abnormalities, in fact statistical impossibilities, focused only on the ‘swing’ states? Why would thousands of ordinary election workers and observers sign affidavits, risking perjury and jail by making up lies?  However, even mention of this incurs the Wrath of Khan from Democrats.  

My issue is not whether Biden or Trump emerged as the victor, but that the election process was transparent and legal.  I am not asking for perfection, but reasonably ‘free and fair’.  Post-election antics, such as in DC on January 6, have been the result of much skepticism of a tainted election by half of the nation. This is no way to govern, despite which party controls the government. The president can’t lead when 50% of citizens will not follow.  Leadership becomes increasingly totalitarian, with draconian Executive orders, railroaded legislation, and activist judicial rulings.  Despite presidential calls for ‘unity’, it is on ‘our terms’ — meaning conformity to our policies, surrender to our positions. Loyal opposition is silenced, as is shown in a growing ‘cancel culture’ for dissenters, in partnership with high tech social media. Whatever happened to the free speech 1st Amendment? The result is a One-party State, a Fascist State. And no different from some Africa, Asia, and Latin American countries where I worked – and human misery that was a direct result of corrupt and selfish governments. 

I expected more from the United States. The founders of the US designed our government for more – for a democratic republic, not an autocratic tyranny.  Let’s hope, pray, and work for a better 2021, Be encouraged. And thanks for reading.

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