An Auspicious Start to 2021

In my last blog, I ended with a hope for a better 2021 than 2020. Thus far, it looks dismal. Every new administration wants to make its mark and Biden’s has done so with a vengeance.  Dozens of ‘Executive Orders’ within the first days – even hours. Our forefathers had no concept of the Executive Branch having such power.  Several overlying factors at play here:

Joe Biden is old — and unhealthy. I can identify because I am no spring chicken. But, then again, I am not the US President.  He has made so many gaffs that are disturbing, as the leader of the ‘free world’. The word ‘senile’ is often mentioned.  This is scary. And it questions who is in fact in control. Even during the election cycle, Biden was noticeably ‘hidden’. With few campaign rally events and excuses for having only one debate with Trump (and this was largely staged.)  Most of this was hidden under the rubric of the Coronavirus, and protecting him from the pathogen.   I commend the genius (albeit evil) of the Democrats in braisingly pulling it off. They were several steps ahead of the Republicans in this epic chess match.

So his handlers handled him – and it worked. He was elected!  Now that he’s the POTUS, someone continues to be the puppeteer.  No State of the Union Address, no press conferences, no Q&As or events that would require him to think on-the-spot.  Always the teleprompter. And an ear-piece.  Biden makes too many statements, or asks too many goofy questions to his ‘handlers’ that it becomes obvious. Or it should be.

Except for the media – a second factor. The ‘mainstream media’ is covering for Biden – downplaying his mis-statements, his lack of personal appearances, his lack of answering questions, his lack of engagement.  The term is ‘he has the lid on today’ – which means no appearances. The media can unfold a story from any angle, and it overwhelmingly does so in a positive light for Biden.  Especially in comparison to Trump.  Broadcasters  smooth out this administration’s bumps. Close to being a propaganda wing of the Democratic party.  One has to dig, dig, dig in the media to find what is really happening.   And herein lies another factor.

“The Cancel Culture”: Alternative media is being eliminated. It is not enough for non-mainstream media to be harassed, even dismissed. The alternative media is being erased.  This includes both standard media and social media that are not in agreement with positions of the present administration. In other words, criticism is not allowed – it is silenced.  One has to look no further than Donald Trump. He has been  cancelled off of Facebook and Twitter. This is why – for better or worse – he is no longer in the news. He can’t get there. He is cancelled. If the media, and the few un-elected decision-makers that work for social media giants, can cancel the former president, what can they do to you or me? This violation of our US constitutional 1st amendment right is disturbing.  It is fascism, it is ‘fascist corporatism’ that has gone unchecked. 

Another factor is that the Senate and House are divided on a razor-thin margin. Technically legislation can pass, but in the Senate, only with the VP casting the tie-breaking vote. The ‘unity’ theme of Biden’s inaugural address was rhetoric. He will march forward with only Democratic votes.  Again, this agenda is being pushed at lightning speed, because Biden’s puppeteers know that they have very limited time – perhaps only until 2022, when the next election cycle comes around. Biden must get accomplished what he can in the next 18 months. Some of this agenda I will discuss in the next blogs.

Thanks for reading. Be informed!

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