A One Party State – in Perpetuity

One of the goals of the Biden Administration is to pass what is called HR – 1. It is basically pushing to federalize all future elections. I mentioned what I observed as ‘irregularities’ in the November election (and the January 2021 Georgia senate run-off). It was disturbing, though now it is widely reported as ‘the Big Lie’ of 2020, since Trump was defeated.  This is in stark contrast to the panning by the media of the ‘Big Lie’ that elected Donald Trump in 2016. Everyone from Hillary Clinton on down called Trump’s win illegitimate. The ‘Russia connection’ to alter the election was dismissed by a 2 ½ year investigation by special agent Mueller. And other attempts also failed. But the media has kept beating this ‘lie’ drum. And 75% of Democrats believe it. Again, the power of the media. But I digress.

Constitutionally, individual states are responsible for elections – at every level, including federal. But the Biden administration sees things a bit differently. The reliance on the CoV to make numerous ‘rule changes’ to ease voting (and some would say ‘voter fraud’) will likely not be in play in 2022. The Democrats would like this to happen, but wisely know that the general public will not fall for this again. HR-1 is the answer.  If HR – 1 passes, many of the changes, (i.e. no voter ID, extended voting days and weeks, no signature or witness requirement, no paper trail for address verification, etc. ) become permanent. The result is that the Democrats will seldom loose an election again.

But it has bogged down in the legislature because of one issue: filibustering. The Dems can win on a straight up-and-down vote, but the Senate requires 60 votes to overrule a filibuster. And they don’t have it. But alas. The Senate can vote to change the 60-vote filibuster rule. After all, they have a 50-50 ‘majority’.  And will, if only two Democratic senators who are against ending the filibuster will change their view. One from Arizona and one from West Virginia. If the vote tally will change from 48-52 to 50-50, the barn gate swings wide open.  Not only HR-1 will likely pass, but other permanent etchings by the Democratic party may be installed. They include:

Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia becoming the 51st and 52nd states. If this happens, they will very likely elect Democratic senators. Therefore the Dem – Rep balance swings immediately to 54 – 50 –– a formidable wall for the Republicans to scale.

Also the Democrats want to ‘pack’ the Supreme Court. This is a fancy way of saying to increase the number of justices from nine.  There is much displeasure in the current administration that the court is too ‘conservative’. Appointments by Biden (or his puppeteers) will  no doubt be liberal. The number floated around is four additional judges. At a minimum, this would make a majority ‘liberal’ court count of 7 – 6, perhaps 8 – 5. By the way, the last time the number of justices was tampered with was in the 1860s – 150 years ago.

By passing HR-1, admitting two new states, and altering the Supreme Court membership, the present administration believes they can control every branch of the US government in perpetuity. And they may be correct. It is a sobering thought.

Once the above is accomplished, other massive legislation can be introduced, passed, and legislated. I will mention a few in the next blog. 

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